Doorways to the Underworld Featuring: Comets Ov Cupid LiveDoorways to the Underworld on Facebook Comets Ov Cupid is a gothic space rock project by Jason Kesselring, founding member of Minneapolis...
Doorways to the Underworld Guest Artist: Katie ClaphamKatie Clapham – Worldswalker Photography Katie Clapham has been a photographer for over 35 years, finding beauty and stories in the world...
Doorways to the Underworld Guest Artist: Ellie BryanGuest Featured Artist Ellie Bryan As a ceramic artist and potter, I strive to create pieces that unite the human spirit with the animal...
Doorways to the Underworld Guest Artist: RmayFeatured Guest Artist Rmay Rmay - aka Mary Rivard - is a kaleidoscopic earth walker, hedge witch and a fire dancing pagan. As a pioneer...
SSCA Doorways to the Underworld ExhibitionStevens Square Center for the Arts (SSCA) 1905 Third Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404 T (612) 879-0200